Hypno Blog #5 -- My Thoughts on Streetwear Part 1. | Hypnotik Bay Area

Hypno Blog #5 -- My Thoughts on Streetwear Part 1. | Hypnotik Bay Area

Back in high school, certain brands certainly reigned Supreme (no pun intended).

I was particularly taken with Huf SF. Benny Gold is by far one of my favorite designers. Back in the day, I used to draw the Huf logo (the one with the crazy linework) whenever I had a pencil or a marker in my hand. My friend always used to say, "Dude, you're like obsessed with Huf" I was like, "Whatever, it's fun to draw." I remember when I used to rock the red "Build, destroy, rebuild" tee during my junior year. A lot of people approached me asking for the significance. I guess I can allude that meaning to the creative process and coming up with ideas. I make something, it doesn't land for some reason, and I hop back to the drawing board in order to come up with something that works instead.

Ya'll remember that shirt?

What are your thoughts? Send me a message on social.

Until next time!


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